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1320 Tower Road in Schaumburg, IL 60173
Tegratecs Development Corp.®
1320 Tower Road
Schaumburg, IL 60173

Now with easy on and off access to Meacham Road in Schaumburg from the east via I90.  Located down the street from IKEA Schaumburg...


Tegratecs Development Corp. was originally founded in 1985 as an Illinois corporation under a different name.  We first started operations in Schaumburg, IL, a suburb of Chicago, in 1986 as Information Consultants, Inc. 

Our focus was in customizing and enhancing business application software running on IBM S/38 and AS/400 midrange computers for SMB in the midwest area.  We got a lot of satisfaction out of making incremental changes (in a timely manner) for larger-sized businesses, which in the great majority of cases provided them with great value and ROI when compared to rip and replace strategies.  We have worked in quite an impressive list of applications over the years including distribution, accounting, manufacturing, health care and professional services...

  In 1988, we entered into an agreement with a software company to support their application packages and eventually to take on derivative works.

 In the 1990s through the 2000s, we branched into extracts and integration work, tackling projects such as nursing acuity monitoring, reporting to microfiche, database consolidation, power-dialing, HBO CaseMix data feeds,  collection account extracts, accounting interfaces, data conversions, hazardous materials by location and date reporting and USPS manifest. 

 In 1992, we announced the Financial Portrait Software System for nationwide availability, with General Ledger, Financial Reporting, Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable applications.  The package was designed as a tightly integrated group that can be implemented in a turn-key go-live event, but the applications are available separately (to facilitate a best of breed approach to software applications).  Other big news in 1992, was our first purchase of our own IBM AS/400.

In 1995, we moved into new offices at 1320 Tower Road in Schaumburg, IL.  In 1998, we put out v3 of Financial Portrait Software System.  During the late 1990s and early 2000s we did some work related to Y2K remediation and quite a bit of package upgrades work related to Y2K and HIPPA.

In 2001, we purchased a new IBM iSeries server with a Integrated xSeries Server (for running the  Microsoft Windows Server OS).  This beauty of a machine... wasn't fully retired until 16 years later, and along the way we upgraded the IBM i5/OS three times (until it was no longer possible), and maxed out the memory and 1/4 tape drive capabilities, and replaced the disks in order to do RAID 5.  She still works, at least the last time we fired it up!  Oh yeah, we did jettison the Integrated xSeries Server part in 2010, as we had stopped using it in 2007.   

In 2003, we finished our second versions of an integrated packaging selection algorithm and ship via selection algorithm for a distributor.

At the very end of 2005, we finished implementation of our first customer on v4 of the Financial Portrait Software System with basically a turn-key go-live for all 3 applications, which featured integration with a desktop smartclient at the presentation layer, and a lot of new features and improvements,  including complete matching infrastructure in Accounts Payable.  In the smartclient area itself, we included a Windows CAB deployment option via ActiveX for use with Windows XP (at, allowing the admin or specifically authorized personnel to automatically pull down FP custom code-signed repository updates from a Tegratecs Windows 2003 Server and to automatically replace the active repository on the customer PC. 

In 2006, we moved into different offices at 1320 Tower Road in Schaumburg, IL.  We purchased a new Dell PowerEdge 1800 server to replace the Windows 2003 Server on the iSeries.  We started using Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 R2 to house multiple Windows 2003 Servers.

In 2007, we started serving of our own static websites on IIS web servers in virtual machines running Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 R2.  The Financial Portrait website had several cab deployment capabilities for use with the newlook smartclient.

In 2007, we upgraded our custom automated postage calculation algorithm and shopper routines (on the IBM midrange platform) to accomodate new size-specific USPS postage rates (within the same class of service).

In the latter 2000s, we started doing technical presentations for user groups in the Chicagoland area and around the country for COMMON. 

At the end of 2007, we began R&D into building websites with Microsoft ASP.NET Web Forms Framework using a 3rd party Visual Studio version and Visual RPG for .NET from ASNA, which featured RLA to iSeries Db2 (along with SQL).

In 2008, we upgraded our internet networking capabilities to include VPNs and connectivity to our IBM iSeries from the newlook smartclient via SSL.

 In 2009, we finished integrating with 3 banks for Positive Pay functions in Financial Portrait A/P, using sftp over OpenSSH directly from the IBM iSeries QSH PACE environment (so using no other hardware or 3rd party software licenses (all of the afore-mentioned come standard with the IBM OS)). 

In 2010, we finished the Financial Portrait v4 upgrade process with nearly all of our customers on the Financial Portrait Maintenance Plan.

By mid-2011, we were deep into creating ASP.NET Web Forms content pages using Visual Studio 2010, c# and MS SQL Server database on top of a mixed language App Code base including AVR.NET, and c#.

In 2012, we became Tegratecs Development Corp. to differentiate ourselves from other corporations with similar names to Information Consultants, Inc.  In 2017, we applied for and received a registered trademark for both our services and our products under the Tegratecs Development Corp. name, and renewed them in 2024.

By the end of 2012, we had proven out a layered approach to building ASP.NET websites, consisting of a pre-compiled common App Code Base, infrastructure namespaces and an extended web page class in Visual RPG for .NET (AVR.NET).  Pretty much all facets contained some programming in either AVR.NET, c# or (so as to demonstrate compatibility with client and prospect strategies already in place (in this technology area).  We were proud of the extended web page class which we actually considered sort of an invention in AVR.NET.  Other noteworthy benefits with the new layered approach were reduced compile time during development and [trumpets], a near complete elimination of duplicate pattern coding throughout the whole website (and all of our websites using this same model).

In 2013, we purchased a refurbished Dell PowerEdge 2900 with all SSD with the intention of serving our own .NET website prototypes in basically a complete full production-mode simulation.

In 2015, we helped a client move away from Financial Portrait and did the data conversation and re-summarizing for them, consisting of over 17 years worth of Accounts Payable and General Ledger history.

In 2015, we did some customization and enhancements to PHP websites running on IBM i5/OS.

In 2015, we led projects involving Windows Server HW upgrades, a WatchGuard upgrade and virtualization of machines running older Microsoft OS(s) including a WIndows XP masterpiece of a PC and several WIndows 2003 servers.

In the earlier 2010s through mid-2010s time frame, we developed custom applications from scratch to print the USPS IMpb barcode directly from IBM i to laser and also on Zebra printers.  We helped a distributor integrate add-on vendor-based shipment services pricing into their fulfilment workflow, including facets of the pick slip print, packaging, shipment method and final pricing processes.  We also developed a USPS international mail application from scratch  involving various barcodes printed on Zebra printers and an sftp data transfer directly to USPS.  We also finished new versions of an integrated packaging selection algorithm and ship via shopper function for one of our oldest clients.  We also helped with letter writing and printing capability improvements, such that letter writing featured compound conditional statements and in some cases included bar codes.

Sporadically throughout the 2000s up through current, we have done IBM midrange upgrades on the (smaller) single-partition machines.  In 2016, we did a turn-key HW and 3 level OS jump for a client on a new IBM i Power 8 v7.2 single-tier machine, which included having to get rid of SNADS and to upgrade PHP websites infrastructure being controlled by some wily independent contractors.   

In late 2016, we purchased a refurbished Dell PowerEdge R610 with all SSD and started buying only refurbished PCs with all SSD.  We created IIS web servers with the ASNA web deployment license.  

By July 2018, we had converted the majority of our v8 App Code web base programming to c# with only a few components remaining in and (in the App Code base (quite a few content pages remained).  The first version of the extended web page class in was also completed, which worked fine with the content pages.  Visual Studio 2015 was in use during this time frame.   

In 2018, we purchased a shiny new IBM Power 9 server running IBM i and over the years since, have upgraded the OS 3 times (we chose to have it arrive with the oldest OS version a new machine could be manufactured with, in order to remain compatible with some of our Financial Portrait customers who were lagging a bit behind)(compatibility checking by OS version level during restore is a feature, Alex, not a defect :-) ). 

Build Set 9 of Financial Portrait Version 4 was released in Q3 of 2018 and includes ePayments (ACH and Commercial Card) made directly out of Financial Portrait Accounts Payable using sftp.  Many advantages come along with the ability to specify the voucher contents in the same database as the payment transactions.  

In 2019, we started developing starter websites for folks using WordPress and the DIVI theme,  and having them hosted at companies like HostGator and BlueHost. 

In 2019, we announced Mobile ASPX - Tegratecs Code Package™.  Essentially, Mobile ASPX seeks to empower ASP.NET Web Forms developers with a server-side controller-like solution to the mobile view challenge.  Also, we think our product works better than responsive framework solutions for handling wide-aspect views (like gridviews with numerous columns). By using the master page technique in an OO environment, there is virtually no duplication in the code-behind or requirement for "includes" in the XHTML. Also, the developer can usually avoid meddling with tricky CSS hierarchies (or needing someone else to do so).  Mobile ASPX is an alternative to responsive frameworks for Web Forms websites, but it is not incompatible with websites that have the Bootstrap packages in the BIn directory, for example (and we have ongoing demonstrations to that end for both bootstrp 3.4 and 5.2 (which in a way also emphasiizes the huge differences between these two versions of bootstrap).

In early 2020, we completed conversion of all of our WIndows 7 PCs to newly refurbished Windows 10 machines with all SSD.  However, we do still retain some PCs with era-specific licenses and HW capabilities, in order to help retain customer compatibility (since there have been so many versions of Visual Studio, the .NET Framework and ASNA Visual RPG for .NET that have come out over the years).  i.e. we still have a few XP and WIndows 7 machines whose sole purposes is to be able to run the versions in play in 2008, or 2010 or 2013 or 2015 or 2017 for example.

In April 2020, we started v10 of our websites using the c# .NET Framework web application project model.  Everything from dev to production is able to be accomplished with a Windows PC license, any version of Visual Studio, a Windows Server license and a Db2 for i .Net Provider license (which comes with IBM ACS).  For the prototype production implementations of the v10 websites, a new Windows Server 2019 IIS webserver instance was created under Hyper-V, using basically an entirely stock configuration with just the IIS and File and Storage Sever roles, the .NET Frameworks, and the Db2 for i .NET Provider.  Unfortunately, it was April 2020, and we couldn't make the trumpets loud enough, as most foks in the U.S. were concerned with staying alive at that point. 

In the latter part of 2020, we announced Financial Portrait integration with a new version of the smartclient, v10.7, as ActiveX was deprecated by Microsoft with the end of Windows 7, and IBM had moved on to new SSL cyphers in latter IBM i v7 OS versions.  So in conjunction with Fresche Solutions support, a repository update feature (via the internet) was created and become incorporated wih the fps smartclient 10.7 implementation.  Having an automated repository download and install feature has been pretty much been a goal and vision of ours since the beginning of the smartclient way back to 2005.  And now, something we hope you'll really like...  I mean, And Now, some notes for the PC admins... Since Windows 7, the CAB download and install process can only be done by the administrator (can't be delegated to an authorized regular PC user).  And more good news to help admins remain calm, the repository files now sits in the ProgramData directory and thus, aside from registering the CAB names processed (and from what IP address), no registry updates occur or are needed!  yay!  So the Tegratecs Windows Server housing the code-signed repository versions (for download) is a Windows Server 2019 running as a virtual machine inside of a Dell PowerEdge R610 Windows Server 2016 in Hyper-V role (and behind a WatchGuard Firebox). 

In 2021, we created a User Tutorial Subscriptions Cloud Environment offering for Financial Portrait customer prospects and other training scenarios.  Users are able to connect to their own FPS environment on our IBM i server via SSL using the fps smartclient 10.7 on their desktop or [*newly revised offer*] on a PC supplied by Tegratecs.

In 2023, we came out with an ERP level Item Master Maintenance prototype that uses the standard browser on the client side, for a COMMON User Group presentation highlighting the Db2 for i .NET Provider and our super-tight optimistic record locking technique and a  standardized stored procedure pattern.  Prerequisites/requirements for the solution involved IIS web server (or Visual Studio to run on desktop), c# code-behind and the 4.8 .NET Framework.

In 2023, we came out with new versions of Get Running - Tegratecs Code Package™ and Mobile ASPX - Tegratecs Code Package™ along with immediate self-service short term subscription offerings!

In 2024, we announced Financial Portrait Build Set 12 for nationwide release.  As always, it includes automated install procedures for those customers running the most recent stock version (v4 Build Set 11).  It includes integrated logic for 3 different JE entry formats, ease of use improvements for estates and a standardized authorities model (at the IBM i OS level) for handling remote update of Db2 for i database and supporting concurrent multi-user, real-time transactions.  Our Accounts Receivable application now includes back end database and stored procedures for handling PayPal transactions. The base A/R package handles the commission percentage / transaction fees model well when PayPal is designated as the A/R Point Customer and the actual customer is the Bill To Customer.  This allows the A/R cash application feature to show the net due amount (made up of a gross invoice amount transaction and a separate transaction fee transaction) that is to match the amount of the day's cash receipt lump from PayPal.  The product or line item detail is captured via the IIS webserver java-script and code-behind, and can be passed into into the A/R invoice gross amounts (and G/L interface) based on the level of detail chosen..

In 2024, we announced a new Financial Portrait application module, Enterprise Expense Reporting.  A prototype is available online for your perusing.

A little celebration is in order!

Another batch of Titleist Pro V1 #35 golf balls celebrating our 35 years in business will be arriving soon!  Get some just for evaluating one of our software products or purchasing a 1 month subscription license.  All gone for the moment!  Stay tuned for #39s!

We have been demonstrating our know-how in the areas of integrated business applications and concurrent multi-user solutions with relational database foundations for a long time... 

But the thrill isn't gone!

And now we are a part of those delivering high end business applications via the browser.  We're pumped up to be using OO programming to bring advanced business application logic to the zero footprint web browser.  And to allow the user to select mobile views or ultra-wide theatre view based on the application at run time.

 Please check out our Enterprise Expense Reporting product prototype on  

Please check out the News and Events web page on for further details..

Today we count over 60 customers and 900 vendors in our internal database.

 Some of our customers (including both product and service customers), as originally named, include ADEonics, Inc., American Hospital Supply, Baxter Healthcare, Central DuPage Hospital, Chicago Finished Metals, Children's Memorial Hospital, Culligan International, Inc., Data Performance, Inc., Hartz and Company, Inc., Interpoint Corporation, KW Control Systems, Levy Home Entertainment, Lincoln Insurance, Moby Paint Contracting, The Omni User, Optyl, Parking Company of America, Rails Craft Brew and Eatery, Rexam Release, Rosenbluth International, Inc., Roxane Laboratories, Inc., Signature Homestyles, Summit Solutions, LLC, SuperValu Inc., USSPI and Western Folder Distributing Co...

Summary of Contract Development Services

Tegratecs is a provider of innovative software and solutions for the changing needs of your growing SMB.  Our success in delivering well-tuned and cost effective mult-user software is now extending to the web, and in many cases, can delivered within an incremental level of investment. 

Please explore our websites to find out about our latest software products, software development services and technology demonstrations!

Our formula for sustaining user satisfaction, reducing maintenance costs and increasing ROI is to deliver designs that handle base requirements along with considerations for how the user and application will evolve.

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without building Islands of Automation
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Tegratecs Development Corp.®
1320 Tower Road
Schaumburg, IL 60173
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